Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Superdrug Exfoliating Superfruits Mask

Due to the really bad weather we have had recently, my skin has been a lot drier than and just not as nice as normal. I decided to treat myself to some face masks from Superdrug. These aren’t something which I have used before now but have heard good things about them and figured I would give them a go. At the time of purchase (14/2) they cost 99p each and were on offer for 4 for 3 so I figured I might as well get 4. This review is about the Superdrug Exfoliating Superfruits Mask.

The face mask comes in a thin plastic sachet which is mostly purple. On the right side of the sachet is a picture of a girl with the mask on while the left side has the product name, description, Superdrug star logo and pictures of the fruit used inside. I have to say, out of the four I bought, this is the one with the nicest packaging as it is so bright and colourful. The back of the sachet gives ingredients, a longer description and directions for use.

In order to use this face mask, you need to begin with a clean, dry face. The sachet rips open at the side and then you are able to squeeze out the mask. I found that I didn’t use the whole sachet in one go so really, there is enough for two uses as long as you don’t let it dry out with the sachet already being open. Inside the sachet is a lovely, lilac face mask which smells wonderfully fruity as you open it. When applying the mask to your face, avoid the eye and lip areas.

As soon as I began to put this on my face, I could feel to exfoliating aspects of it. Apparently this is strawberry seeds but who knows. Anyway, the mask felt like it was really exfoliating my skin well while I was applying it and it also felt great on my skin. The sachet states that once applied, you should leave it on for 10-15 minutes, which I did. After only a couple of minutes of being on, I could feel the mask begin to dry and my face tighten. I love masks that do this because although it is something I think will dry your skin out, it never does. After the whole 15 minutes, my face was pretty tight. After 15 minutes, you can rinse the mask off with a warm flannel.

The mask is really easy to remove although it does set quite stiff on your face. I found that I only needed to wipe it off a couple of times in different areas to remove everything. After taking off the mask, my skin was very smooth and although it did feel a little tighter than it probably should have done, it soon softened up again once I was out of the bathroom. After only using this once, and only using half the sachet, my skin felt so much better than it did beforehand. I do wish the smell of the mask lasted a little longer as once it was removed, my skin smelled normal again and not of the fruit in the mask.

I really enjoyed using this face mask and will definitely be buying it again! 

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