Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Body Shop Passion Fruit Body Butter

As a lover of body butters from the Body Shop, I couldn’t help myself when they had a sale. I bought two for myself and one for my fiancé. As well as buying raspberry scented body butter, I also bought the Body Shop Passion Fruit Body Butter. At regular price, a 200ml tub will set you back a whopping £13 although I bought mine for £4.55 which is a complete steal in comparison to the full price.
The body butter comes in a round plastic tub which is a rich, dark purple colour. The tub has a screw top lid on which is pictures of raspberries as well as the name of the product and the body shop logo. The tubs for these body butters are they are normally quite bright and they are easy to get in to, which makes me like them more than the packaging for most beauty products. The tubs are large and are nearly full to the brim with the product. I think that these tubs also stand out and you know when you see one that it is a Body Shop body butter that is inside.
After unscrewing the lid, you can see that the thick cream inside is a lovely light lilac colour. The colour goes really well with the colour of the packaging with them both being a shade or purple. The smell of this body butter is very sweet and in my opinion, not exactly a true replica of passion fruit. Most other body butters do smell exactly like the fruit they are supposed to smell like but not this one. However, I don’t mind that too much as the smell is still really nice. It is very sweet though so it may end up being a bit too sweet smelling for some.
What I really love about Body Shop body butters is how well they work. The cream is so thick and it soaks into skin easily. I only need to use a little bit to cover my calves, which I use this on mostly and it is easily absorbed. I don’t need to spend ages rubbing it into my skin which is nice. I don’t like wasting a lot of time on doing things like moisturising. The smell and soft feel of my skin lasts the whole day after using this product which is another thing I love about it. I don’t have to worry about my skin getting dry throughout the day and I also smell lovely at the same time.
I wouldn’t pay full price for this particular scent of body butter but it is still a great moisturiser.

You can buy this product here.

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